
UNDO Helps Develop New Carbon Project Standards with Reykjavik Protocol

Due to a lack of established standards and relevant risks for buyers, environmental carbon credits and the nature-deployed solutions that generate them face barriers to scaling. 

In a step towards addressing these risks, UNDO collaborated with fellow nature-deployed environmental credit suppliers, who are primarily operating in the carbon removal space, to announce a commitment to the Reykjavik Protocol

With UNDO as one of the founding signatories, the Reykjavik Protocol is a set of principles that governs how suppliers who work with nature should responsibly bring their carbon solutions to carbon credit markets. 

Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) plays a pivotal role in addressing the urgent global challenge of climate change. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has underscored the critical need for carbon removal by 2050 to limit global warming to manageable levels. Carbon removal technologies and practices involve capturing and removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. They provide a crucial tool in achieving net-zero emissions and safeguarding the planet’s future, offering hope for mitigating the most severe consequences of climate change.

This summit is the first time carbon removal credit suppliers of this type have convened to specifically address risks that represent barriers to scale for the industry. 

Nature-deployed approaches like UNDO’s enhanced rock weathering solution utilise natural processes to remove carbon dioxide, protect critical ecosystems, increase biodiversity, and provide security for our food systems. These types of solutions represent some of the most scalable, permanent and cost-effective climate solutions available today. 

What Are The Goals Of The Reykjavik Protocol? 

By creating a uniform set of principles, the co-authors of the Protocol aim to increase buyer trust and address the perceived risks of the environmental credits that they and their direct competitors sell on the Voluntary Carbon Market. As a result, this should instil more confidence and further accelerate the growth of the market.

Image of Marty Odlin

“Environmental credits are a critically important tool to fund the work of restoring the climate and ecosystem. The Reykjavik Protocol shows the commitment of credit producers, measurement companies, and research organisations to establishing science-based, trust-worthy, and effective best practices as standard for the industry.”

Marty Odlin, CEO of Running Tide and fellow co-author of the Protocol

The 12 Core Principles of the Reykjavik Protocol

In total, 12 initial principles were agreed upon. All suppliers that sign on to the Reykjavik Protocol commit to implementing its principles for their environmental credit projects within the next two years and are able to contribute to the evolution of the Protocol as the market scales. 

Image of Jim Mann

“This Protocol is a much-needed framework to ensure the credits the industry is selling are of the highest quality possible. UNDO’s carbon removal activities will align with the 12 principles, operating at these highest standards based on the most credible science available.”

Jim Mann, Founder and CEO of UNDO

Who has committed to the Reykjavik Protocol? 

We want to thank our fellow suppliers that participated in the summit,  including:

  • Lithos – Enhanced Rock Weathering – San Francisco, USA
  • Living Carbon – Biotech/Tree Planting –  San Francisco, USA
  • Mombak – Amazon Reforestation – São Paulo, Brasil
  • Planetary – Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement – Nova Scotia, Canada
  • Running Tide – Ocean Health Restoration – Portland, Maine, USA
  • UNDO – Enhanced Rock Weathering – London, UK
  • Yardstick – Soil Carbon Measurement – Oakland, USA

For the full list of founding signatories, see the bottom of this post. 

Additional contributors to the protocol included academic, scientific, and NGO representatives from the Cambridge Center for Climate Repair, the Ocean Frontier Institute, Ocean Networks Canada, and the Yale Center for Natural Carbon Capture

UNDO encourages interested parties engaged in the environmental credit space – suppliers and non-suppliers alike – to sign onto the Protocol. 

Become a Signatory here.

The Founding Signatories and Supporters of the Reykjavik Protocol are listed alphabetically by organisation below:

Supplier signatories

Gonzalo Fuenzalida, CEO, Andes

Paul Myer, CEO, Athian

Brilliant Planet

Shannon Sterling, Founder & CSO at CarbonRun

Christopher Knop, CEO, Carbon Sequestration Inc

Antonius Gagern, Executive Director, Carbon to Sea Initiative

Cascade Climate

Jeff Sun, CEO & Co-founder, Circular Impact

Climate Farmers


Troy Carter, Earthshot Labs


Pascal Michel, Founder & CEO, Everest Carbon Inc

David Elliott, CEO, The Future Forest Company

Meg Chatham, Carbon Standards & Sales of Grassroots Carbon Public Benefit LLC

Matthew Clarkson, Head of Carbon, InPlanet

Ben Veres, CEO, Kateri

Mary Yap, Founder & CEO, Lithos Carbon

Maddie Hall, Founder & CEO, Living Carbon

Guy Hudson, CEO & Co-founder, Loam Bio

Chad Pawlak CEO, Locus Agricultural Solutions & Animal Nutrition

Shantanu Agarwal, Founder & Ceo, Mati Carbon

Xavier Laguarta, Devdut Dalal, and Nathan Torbick, Co-founders, Mitti Labs

Dan Harburg, CTO, Mombak

Mike Kellend, CEO, Planetary Technologies

Pull To Refresh

David Auerbach, Co-Founder, Regen Organics

Ram Amar, CEO of

Marty Odlin, CEO & Founder, Running Tide


Paddy Estridge, CEO, and Professor Mike Allen, CSO, Seaweed Generation

Jim Mann, Founder & CEO, UNDO Carbon

Tom Green, Co-Founder & CEO of Vesta

Chris Tolles, CEO & Co-Founder, Yard Stick PBC

Supporter signatories

Steve Oldham, CEO, Captura

Ben Rubin, Executive Director, Carbon Business Council

Joachim Katchinoff, Founder & CEO, CREW Carbon

Zack Parisa, CEO, NCX

Kate Moran, (O.C.), President and CEO of Ocean Networks Canada (ONC)

Toby Bryce, CDR Policy and Market Development, OpenAir

Learn more about the Reykjavik Protocol

If you'd like to learn more about the Reykjavik Protocol or become a signatory follow the link below.