For Businesses

How Businesses Can Purchase Carbon Removals

Learn about the pivotal role of carbon removal in decarbonisation, and discover how it can become an integral tool in your business journey towards achieving its sustainability and net zero goals.

The Impact of Carbon Removal

Purchasing carbon removals is a vital part of a comprehensive decarbonisation strategy. Carbon removal moves your business closer to net zero, particularly when addressing residual emissions. In parallel, buying carbon removals funds transformative climate initiatives increasing supply which scales the market, and promotes global sustainability.

Understanding Carbon Removal

Carbon removal is achieved through initiatives that either prevent greenhouse gas emissions from entering our atmosphere or actively remove existing emissions. UNDO, adhering to the Core Carbon Principles, ensures our high-quality carbon removal efforts positively impact the environment and contribute to the lasting removal of atmospheric CO2.

Navigating Your Carbon Removal Journey with UNDO

Addressing carbon emissions effectively requires a blend of proactive strategy and meaningful actions. At UNDO, we are more than just a service provider; we're your partner in sustainable progress, guiding and supporting your journey towards net zero.

Step 1: Record Your Impact

Every business, regardless of size, contributes to global greenhouse gas emissions. Start by measuring your company's carbon footprint to understand the depth and breadth of your impact.

Step 2: Prioritise Reduction

With a clear understanding of your carbon emissions, explore ways to reduce them. Implement internal decarbonisation initiatives and seek guidance from our expert team, who are always ready to assist.

Step 3: Engage with UNDO for Carbon Removal

Enhance your emission reduction strategy through our partnership. We provide streamlined solutions for small businesses, aligned with per-employee emissions, and offer comprehensive, customised strategies for larger organisations.

Step 4: Customised Carbon Action Plan

Have a one-on-one consultation with our team to evaluate your needs, discuss your goals, and formulate a custom plan to address your residual emissions.

Step 5: Invest in Carbon Removal

Contribute to durable, high-quality carbon removal efforts powered by our ERW solution. UNDO's approach to carbon removal provides a valuable component in your carbon portfolio and environmental efforts, reinforcing your commitment to climate action.

Step 6: Ongoing Partnership

Your engagement with us is just the beginning. As your trusted partner, UNDO provides continual updates, support, and insights to ensure you remain aligned with your net zero aspirations.

With our adherence to globally recognised carbon offsetting standards, businesses can be confident in our ERW technology. We don’t just offer carbon removal; we provide a comprehensive solution that aligns with the Core Carbon Principles and caters to businesses aiming for genuine impact.

Aligned for Impact

Our carbon removal efforts, aligned with the ICROA-endorsed Puro Standard methodology, demonstrate our unwavering commitment to authentic and impactful climate solutions.

Ease of Integration

Seamlessly integrating into corporate sustainability strategies our carbon removal solution makes it simpler for businesses to meet their emissions reduction goals.

Community Impact

When businesses purchase through UNDO, they’re also supporting local communities. We empower rural economies, and create green job opportunities, ensuring a broader positive impact.

Cost-Effective Climate Solutions

As one of the fastest-scaling carbon removal technologies, we’re on a mission to drive down the cost per tonne of our removals to make climate solutions more accessible.

Nature and Innovation Combined

UNDO combines nature-inspired solutions with contemporary innovation. When businesses work with us, they are investing in a method that’s both time-tested and at the cutting edge.

Ocean Health

The alkaline bicarbonate ions captured during the ERW process are eventually washed out to sea, where they deacidify our oceans and are used by marine creatures to build their shells.

Safe and Effective

We prioritise safety. Businesses can be assured that the silicate rock we use has been carefully tested and approved for agricultural application.

Circular Efficiency

Utilising an aggregate by-product, like basalt, resonates with our commitment to circularity. With an estimated 600 million tonnes of basalt rock available globally, we’re turning Earth’s mineral resources into an effective carbon removal solution.

Our Partners

Collaborating with dedicated partners on the journey to scale carbon removal.

Carbon Removal for Businesses

Choosing UNDO’s carbon removal solution means you’re not only supporting the permanent sequestration of CO2 from the atmosphere but also championing a host of environmental and socio-economic benefits. 

With corporate investment, businesses support soil health enhancement, community empowerment, and green job creation. Make a decision that aligns with both your company’s goals and the planet’s needs.