
Understanding the Carbon Credit Landscape: Ex-Post, Ex-Ante and Pre-Purchases

The voluntary carbon market is a critical tool in the global effort to reduce carbon emissions and mitigate climate change. Different types of carbon credits support various stages of climate projects, each offering unique opportunities for businesses to contribute to carbon reduction and removal. By understanding the distinctions between ex-post and ex-ante credits as well as pre-purchase agreements, companies can maximise their impact while supporting the essential work needed to advance innovative climate solutions.

What is a Carbon Credit?

A carbon credit represents the reduction or removal of one tonne of CO₂ from the atmosphere. Credits are generated by projects that either avoid generating emissions such as renewable energy initiatives, reduce emissions such as clean cookstoves, or remove carbon already emitted into the atmosphere such as afforestation, reforestation, or solutions such as enhanced rock weathering. These credits are purchased by businesses or individuals aiming to offset their own emissions, playing a vital role in both voluntary and compliance carbon markets.

The distinction between ex-post and ex-ante credits as well as pre-purchases lies in the timing of when the carbon reductions or removals occur. Understanding these differences allows businesses to make informed decisions that contribute to their climate goals while fostering the development of cutting-edge carbon removal technologies.

What are Ex-Post Carbon Credits?

Certainty and Immediate Impact

Ex-post carbon credits are issued after a project has already delivered on its promise to avoid, reduce or sequester CO₂e, and the results have been verified by an independent third-party auditor by a methodology published by a carbon standard like the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) or Gold Standard

Key Advantages of Ex-Post Credits

– Immediate Credit Retirement: These credits can be retired as soon as they are purchased, providing an instant environmental benefit. Businesses can immediately apply these reductions to offset their carbon footprint.

Risks and Considerations

Though ex-post credits provide certainty, the limited supply can create challenges. As projects mature, the availability of ex-post credits is likely to be constrained, potentially leading to higher prices due to demand. Additionally, while ex-post credits offer immediate impact, they may not directly fund the growth of future innovations or carbon removal technologies.

Market Considerations

The certainty provided by ex-post credits makes them highly desirable, especially for businesses needing to meet immediate compliance or voluntary carbon reduction targets. However, the high demand and finite supply of verified projects can increase costs. Companies planning large-scale offsets may need to secure credits early or diversify their portfolios to include ex-ante or pre-purchase options.

What are Ex-Ante Carbon Credits?

Financing the Future of Carbon Removal

Ex-ante carbon credits are issued in anticipation of future carbon reductions or removals. These credits provide vital early funding for climate projects, allowing businesses to invest in their long-term success while supporting the scientific research and development required to make these solutions a reality​​. 

Key Advantages of Ex-Ante Credits

– Early-Stage Project Support: Businesses that purchase ex-ante credits play an essential role in advancing innovative solutions that will contribute to long-term carbon reduction​​. 

– Engagement and Monitoring: Buying ex-ante credits allows companies to actively engage with projects as they develop. Regular updates on the progress of the project can help businesses demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and the future of climate action​​.

Risks and Considerations

Ex-ante credits carry some uncertainty because the carbon reductions have not yet occurred. Projects may not perform as expected, meaning the anticipated carbon reductions could be delayed or diminished. However, by carefully selecting high-quality projects with robust methodologies, businesses can mitigate this risk while fostering the growth of groundbreaking carbon removal technologies​​.

Market Considerations

Ex-ante credits are a vital tool for financing the next generation of carbon removal projects, particularly in sectors where carbon sequestration takes time, such as reforestation or innovative technologies. By purchasing ex-ante credits, businesses not only secure future offsets but also contribute to the scientific research and development necessary for these projects to succeed. Additionally, ex-ante credits are often available at lower prices than ex-post credits, offering businesses a cost-effective way to invest in climate solutions​​.

What are Pre-Purchase Agreements?

Supporting Innovation at Its Earliest Stages

Pre-purchase agreements represent a commitment to buy credits that have yet to be issued, usually for projects still in the early stages of development. Buyers provide the upfront capital necessary to help get the project off the ground, with the understanding that credits will be issued once the project begins generating carbon reductions. This funding is often critical for projects developing new technologies or infrastructure​.

Key Advantages of Pre-Purchases

– Support for Early-Stage Innovation: Pre-purchases enable businesses to support the development of groundbreaking climate technologies, providing the funding necessary to bring these projects to life​.

– Potential Cost Savings: Pre-purchases are often sold at a discount since the carbon benefit has not yet been delivered, offering businesses an opportunity to secure future offsets at a lower price​.

Risks and Considerations

Pre-purchases come with a higher degree of uncertainty because the project may face delays or fail to achieve its goals. The carbon removals may not occur as planned or the project could underperform. Businesses should conduct thorough due diligence to evaluate the credibility of the project developer and the feasibility of the project before making a commitment​.

Market Considerations

Pre-purchases are well-suited for businesses with a long-term vision for their carbon offsetting strategy. By investing in early-stage projects, companies can play a critical role in accelerating the research and development needed to achieve large-scale carbon removal. While the risks are higher, this model offers an opportunity to secure future carbon offsets at a potentially lower cost, all while supporting innovation in the climate sector​.

Building a Balanced Carbon Credit Strategy

A balanced carbon credit strategy is essential for businesses that want to maximise their impact in the fight against climate change. By understanding the unique benefits and risks of ex-post and ex-ante credits as well as pre-purchase agreements, companies can tailor their approach to meet both short-term carbon reduction needs and long-term sustainability goals.

– Ex-post credits provide certainty and immediate carbon benefits, offering a lower-risk solution for businesses looking for verified reductions now.

– Ex-ante credits allow businesses to support the growth of future carbon removal initiatives, fostering innovation while balancing some degree of risk.

– Pre-purchases enable businesses to invest in early-stage projects, providing critical funding for groundbreaking climate solutions and potentially securing carbon offsets at a lower cost.

By incorporating these three types of purchasing models into their carbon offset portfolios, businesses can ensure they are supporting both immediate and future climate action. This approach not only helps meet current carbon reduction targets but also contributes to the research, science and innovation needed to scale the next generation of carbon removal solutions.

Strengthen Your Carbon Strategy

Support meaningful climate action with UNDO’s carbon removal solution. Our approach helps businesses meet sustainability goals while contributing to the development of innovative, nature-based technologies.