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Our sales team is eager to discuss our high-quality carbon removal solutions with you.
For Individuals
Our customer care team is on hand to answer questions about our monthly carbon removal subscriptions.
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Media enquiries
If you are a member of the press and require more information, wish to request interviews, or have any media-related enquiries about our climate initiatives, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
As featured in
Follow our journey in environmental innovation, as showcased by global media outlets.
A Guide to Carbon Offsetting for Businesses: Navigating the Pathway to Net Zero
As the urgency to combat climate change intensifies, businesses are increasingly focusing on carbon offsetting and specifically the purchase of
UNDO’s Enhanced Rock Weathering Featured on BBC Countryfile – Revolutionising Farming and Fighting Climate Change
In a brand new episode of BBC Countryfile, UNDO’s enhanced rock weathering took centre stage in the quest for sustainable farming practices