Carbon removal for individuals
Start your journey to conquer climate change with one of our monthly carbon removal subscriptions.

tonnes of rock
hectares spread
farms enriched
tonnes of CO2 to be removed
We do enhanced rock weathering
We spread crushed silicate rock on local farmland to permanently remove CO2. Nutrients in our rock are released during weathering, which enriches soils and increases crop yields.
Become an undoer by subscribing today
Join our UNDO carbon community for as little as $5 a month.
A planet fit for the future
Join us in our mission to fight the climate crisis by permanently locking away CO2, ensuring a liveable planet for your loved ones and future generations.
“I subscribe to UNDO because I believe durable carbon removals are crucial to solving the climate crisis and because enhanced rock weathering is durable, scalable, and comes with a host of agronomic co-benefits.
I want my son to inherit a planet with a stable climate, healthy soils, and abundant crops, and UNDO is playing a part in that.”
“I’m a co-founder of the Green Runners and our environment, climate change and sea levels are important to me. I love what UNDO are DOING and once I understood the ‘science’ behind it, it seemed like a no-brainer for me to sign up to help reduce or offset some of my carbon footprint.
My hope for the future is that more people understand (through education and simple actions) that they can make a difference. Sometimes it feels like we are on our own, but as the community builds, there will be a tipping point as lots of individuals create a substantial change.
I want my grandchildren to live in a stable ecosystem that is not threatened by wildfires, severe flooding, rising sea levels and poor air quality and this can only happen if we reduce (UNDO) carbon.”
“For me, I subscribe to UNDO as I want to do my bit in the fight against climate change. I understand that carbon removal is a more powerful way of approaching this rather than offsetting and I believe UNDO are at the cutting edge of this sector.
I think everyone should contribute an amount they can afford and help us protect the planet.”
“Having calculated my personal carbon footprint I realised that to stop, or at least reduce climate change, we are all going to have to do our bit. Yes, Governments need to act, and businesses, but ordinary individuals particularly in richer Western nations need to bear some burden. Having set in motion a plan to insulate my house, install a heat pump and buy an electric car, the next step is to try to mitigate carbon emissions that result from my lifestyle that are largely out of my control. For me that is a love of travelling, particularly flying.
I have been a subscriber to UNDO since November 2022 and have found their website easy to use and their periodic email updates informative about their operations. I would recommend them to anyone wanting to do their bit by helping to clean up some of the carbon emissions which, let’s face it, we have all made in our lives so far.”
Start removing carbon
Our mission is to permanently remove over a billion tonnes of CO2 and make carbon removal accessible to all.
Ready to join us? Become an UNDOer today.
5 Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint Every Day
1. Minimise food waste According to the charity Waste and Resources Action Programme, U.K. households produced 6.6 million tonnes of
Climate Change Documentaries and Podcasts for Your List
From habitat loss and species extinction to industrial impact and humanitarian emergencies, climate change is at the centre of so
- Choose your package and complete the signup.
- For each month you subscribe, we spread the precise amount of rock needed to capture the CO2 specified in your subscription.
- The rock starts removing CO2 as soon as it is spread and will keep removing for decades until the full amount is sequestered, giving your subscription long-lasting value.
- We will send you an email every time you purchase CO2, delivering you insights on the impact of your subscription.
- No strings attached – you can cancel your subscription anytime.
Your subscription begins funding our rock-spreading operations immediately. We have spreading events every month (occasionally, due to the farming year and weather, we may delay an event until the following month) and will ensure that the amount of rock we spread removes the amount of CO2 you’ve paid for.
The weathering process begins as soon as the rock is spread, with the full amount of CO2 gradually and permanently removed over the 20-year lifetime of basalt rock. We’ll keep you updated on the total CO2 removed thanks to your subscription.
Head to our help articles for more details on how to manage your subscription through our self-serve portal.
- The product you are purchasing is the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere using UNDO’s enhanced rock weathering technology.
- Currently, this product is tied to our 20-year basalt carbon product. We will spread basalt rock on farmland, which starts removing CO2 as soon as it is spread and continues gradually removing CO2 over the next 20 years.
- The amount of carbon removal you have purchased is guaranteed to be completely removed by the 20th year.
- If you’re subscribed with us, we repeat this process every time your subscription successfully renews. Once removed, the carbon is locked away permanently.
- We’ll update you with your total impact on an ongoing basis.
- If you have purchased a subscription, it will automatically renew (either monthly or annually) on the same day that you signed up for it.
- No strings attached – you can cancel your subscription anytime.