
Understanding Additionality in Carbon Offsetting

In the global effort to combat climate change, carbon offsetting offers a pathway to balance emissions through environmental projects. The integrity and impact of these projects hinge on a foundational principle: additionality. Additionality ensures that each carbon offset project contributes to genuine, measurable environmental benefits beyond what would otherwise naturally occur.

What is Additionality?

Additionality is the litmus test for the environmental value of carbon offset projects. It distinguishes genuine efforts that push the boundaries of climate action from those that would proceed without external carbon finance. Essential to additionality is the concept that for a project to be considered impactful, it must provide environmental benefits that wouldn’t happen in the project’s absence.

By requiring that projects answer the question “Would this positive environmental impact occur without our intervention?”, additionality ensures the authenticity of carbon credits, aligning them with real progress toward mitigating global climate change.

Evaluating Additionality 

The evaluation of additionality requires a deep dive into the project’s context, objectives and barriers, including:

– Eligibility Criteria: Establishing what qualifies as an impactful project through clear standards.

– Barrier Analysis: Overcoming financial, technological or regulatory challenges that prevent the project’s realisation without carbon financing.

– Common Practice Assessment: Ensuring the project introduces innovative practices not already common, thereby offering new environmental benefits.

– Potential for Co-benefits: The project’s potential to create additional positive impacts, such as job creation, habitat preservation and improved air quality, enhances the overall value of the carbon project.

Several globally recognised carbon standard bodies utilise these criteria to vet carbon offset projects, ensuring their contributions to climate action are genuine and significant. The following are noteworthy for their rigorous standards and methodologies:

Verra’s Verified Carbon Standard (VCS): One of the most widely used standards for certifying carbon credits, VCS projects undergo a strict vetting process to ensure they contribute to genuine emission reductions.

The Gold Standard: Established by WWF and other NGOs, the Gold Standard certifies projects that not only reduce carbon emissions but also contribute to sustainable development. Creating and maintaining credible methodologies and frameworks for engineered carbon removals, Puro was the first crediting program to receive endorsement from the International Carbon Reduction and Offset Alliance (ICROA). credits are called CORCs, or CO₂ Removal Certificates.

A Collective Effort for High Additionality

The pursuit of high additionality within the carbon offset market rallies a global coalition dedicated to meaningful climate action. This diverse effort spans reforestation projects in tropical regions, which sequester carbon and foster biodiversity, to urban renewable energy initiatives that transition cities to cleaner power sources. 

Enhanced rock weathering (ERW) stands out for its innovative approach among these varied strategies. By applying finely ground silicate rocks to agricultural lands, ERW not only removes atmospheric CO₂, transforming it into stable minerals but also enriches soil health and boosts agricultural productivity. For all ERW projects, an additionality assessment is conducted to ensure that crushed rock fines are not being applied at scale as part of standard farming practices under a business-as-usual scenario. From this assessment, it can be assured that the funds generated from carbon finance are the deciding factor to initiate the project at scale.

ERW exemplifies the dynamic and multifaceted nature of carbon offset projects aimed at delivering real environmental benefits. It bridges cutting-edge science with practical agricultural enhancement, setting a new standard for what constitutes impactful and additional climate action. ERW is one of many solutions being implemented globally, showcasing the shared commitment to a sustainable future through diverse, yet complementary, climate mitigation strategies.

Embracing Transparency and Innovation

As the climate crisis demands more sophisticated solutions, the principle of additionality guides us towards investments that offer a net positive impact on the planet. It encourages continuous innovation through project evaluation, and an open dialogue among developers, certifiers and participants in the carbon market.

Supporting projects certified by recognised standards bodies not only enhances the environmental integrity of carbon offsetting efforts but also empowers individuals and organisations to contribute effectively to global sustainability goals. Through informed participation and support for projects that deliver additional environmental benefits, we collectively edge closer to a sustainable future.

Ready to enhance your carbon portfolio?

At UNDO, our enhanced rock weathering (ERW) solution is rigorously assessed for additionality, ensuring we deliver genuine additional environmental benefits. Connect with our team to learn more about how ERW can elevate your carbon portfolio.