We’re thrilled to share that UNDO has been awarded a contract to provide Microsoft with its first carbon removal via enhanced rock weathering (ERW). The award will contribute towards Microsoft’s commitment to becoming carbon negative by 2030 and removing all of its historic CO₂ emissions by 2050.
Enhanced rock weathering is a nature-inspired solution that not only removes CO₂ from the atmosphere but also benefits soil health and crop yields. By accelerating the natural geological process of weathering, CO₂ in rainwater interacts with silicate rocks, such as basalt, to form bicarbonate ions that are transported to the ocean and remain stable over geological timeframes. As the mineral-rich volcanic rock breaks down, it releases essential nutrients like magnesium, calcium, potassium, and phosphorus, which support healthier crops, stabilise soil pH, and reduce the reliance on fertilisers.
As part of the agreement with Microsoft, we will spread 25,000 tonnes of mineral-rich basalt rock on agricultural land in the UK, which will permanently remove approximately 5,000 tonnes of CO₂ over the next 20 years. The rock is an existing aggregate product supplied by our partner Breedon’s Cragmill Quarry in North East England and spread using existing machinery. As well as funding our ERW operations, Microsoft will be funding UNDO’s Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) enhancement and agronomy trials.
The agreement marks the first ERW credits sold using the ICROA-endorsed Puro Standard methodology to quantify these high-quality, high-durability CO₂ Removal Certificates (CORCs). ICROA is the voluntary carbon market’s provider of best practice guidelines.
We’re establishing operational commercial partnerships that will allow us to spread millions of tonnes of basalt each year. Our immediate goal is to become the first company to remove one million tonnes of CO₂ by 2025, paving the way for billion-tonne scale operations in the future.
Rafael Broze, Engineered Carbon Removal Lead at Microsoft, said: “Enhanced rock weathering offers a great deal of potential, and we are excited by the prospect of having this nature-enabled approach as an additional pillar of our permanent carbon removal portfolio. We are following developments in this field closely and look forward to working with the UNDO team as it continues its pioneering Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) trials.”
As we embark on this journey, we are filled with hope and determination to make a lasting impact on our planet. Together, we can create a greener, more sustainable future for generations to come.

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